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Our Philosophy:

At GeneBlueprint, we have one simple goal: to empower you to become the best possible version of yourself that you can be. Our genetic predictions are guided by the best available science using the most rigorous criteria. Whereas many other providers only include one or at most a few dozen genetic variants for each trait, our predictions integrate the largest number of informative variants, up to three millions for some traits. Why? Because human biology is complex and not as simple as a “yes” or “no” answer. Most traits are influenced by the effects of millions of genetic variants. Clearly, measuring a few variants just doesn’t cut it. Our approach requires advanced expertise, but we wouldn’t have it otherwise because we are passionate about genetics, health and wellness.

What we’re not:

Our objective is to help you live a healthy lifestyle and derive as much benefit as possible from tailored physical training and diet plans. The results provided are not intended to aid in the diagnosis of disease nor should they be used to rule out any medical conditions. If you have any medical concerns, please discuss them with your doctor. …And also remember, no amount of good genetics can replace proper fitness and nutrition!